Manage Programs & PMOs Like a Pro

Empower Your Program & PMO with the same elite tools used in managing multi-billion dollar Programs

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Manage Programs & PMOs Like a Pro

Empower Your Program & PMO with the same elite tools used in managing multi-billion dollar Programs

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Connect to leading Project Management Tools

Easily connect to leading project management tools all at the same time!

At Logical 10, we understand the importance of flexibility and familiarity in project management.

That's why our platform is designed to seamlessly connect with multiple external systems.

This integration allows your team to continue using the tools they know and love, while Logical 10 acts as the central command center for comprehensive program and portfolio management.


Productive Features for Seamless Program Management

Essential tools and features designed to streamline program & PMO management, boost collaboration, and ensure delivery success.

Program Management
Track project progress and status without having to deal with detailed project information.
Schedule Control
Manage project schedules, allocate resources, and track task progress to ensure timely delivery.
Risks & Issues
Identify, assess, and mitigate in real time to minimize project disruptions. Create mitigation plans and allocate to users
Change Management
Efficiently handle change requests, assess their impact, and implement changes while maintaining project integrity.
Meeting Minutes
Streamline meeting minutes recording and distribution to keep teams aligned and informed.
Assign and oversee tasks, track team performance, and assign Program or Project Roles.
Assign and track action items, deadlines, with automated reminder and follow-ups.
Team Collaboration
Facilitate seamless collaboration among team members with tools for communication, file sharing, and project updates.
Store document against anything, from programs, portfolios, projects, risks, issues, changes.
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Simplify Program Management with an All-in-One Tool

Discover streamlined program & project management at its best

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Efficient, Powerful, and Easy to Use

Holistic Program, Portfolio, and Organizational Management
Schedules, Tasks, Actions, Gantt Charts
Baselines, Change Control, Budget Management
Risks, Issues and Meetings Management
Collaborative Teamwork and Controlled Team Access
File Upload and Sharing
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Connect and Manage Project in Seconds

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Making Work Simple:

Connect with Leading Tools: Easily link to Jira, Wrike, Monday, MS Project, and more - with additional integrations on the horizon!
Automated Project Summarization: Effortlessly consolidate projects into manageable tasks for high-level oversight.
Unified Task Status Monitoring: View and manage the status and health of tasks across multiple projects simultaneously.
Program Grouping Across Systems: Seamlessly create cohesive program groups from diverse projects spread across various platforms
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Meeting Minutes & Actions

Create, manage and track Meeting Minutes and Actions

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Logical 10 Meeting Minutes management allows you to run effective meetings and keep track of actions assigned to users.

In fact, your company doesnt even need to be running projects to use our Meetings Minutes, use it to run all your formal and informal minutes!

Meeting could be organisational, departmental, program-specific, or project specific. Examples include:

  • Weekly project review meetings
  • Program governance meeting
  • Change management board meeting
  • Board or steering committee
  • Health & safety meeting
  • Client review meeting
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Tools to consolidate and analyse Projects, Programs and Portfolios

With an innovative user interface, scan and quickly get a status of 100s of projects and programs

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Logical 10 enables you to roll-up and view the entire hierarchy of your organisation, program or portfolio in a single view.

Heat maps represent either risk or issue severity, or the extent of the delay of tasks:

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Effortless Integration with Top Project Management Tools

Experience Enhanced Workflow and Data Unification with Logical 10.

Wide-Ranging Compatibility
Connect with major project management platforms like Monday, Wrike, Jira, and MS Project for a versatile and comprehensive experience.
Consolidate from Multiple Systems
Once you connect with any number of systems, see and manage all details and updates in a single interface.
Extract Only What You Need
Use Logical 10s unique Program-level task definition to only extract the high level details required.
Baseline & Control
Track Program baselines. Use Change Management to control key program date changes you choose.
Seamless Data Integration
Select which projects to update, or select them all. Easily update data across many systems at the same time.
Reduced Learning Curve
Minimize the time and effort required to learn new tools by integrating them into a familiar environment.
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Industry Solutions

Flexible solutions to meet the growing demands of a wide variety of industries.

Manage complex programs and portfolios from a single Program Office. Effectively identify and manage risks.
Manage multiple deployment projects and project types in a consolidated view. Consolidate mixed projects such as engineering, design, IT, civil and telecom deployments.
Manage large IT transformation projects across multiple disciplines. Manage major hospital upgrade programs and various external vendors and contractors.
Manage complex, silo teams with a central command centre. Allow teams to use their favourite tools while still maintaining Program, PMO and Governance compliance.
Co-ordinate large optimisation programs with multiple internal and external parties with a consolidated view. Co-ordinate key program deliverables and dependencies to minimise supply chain distruptions.
Run multi-disciplinary marketing campaigns and co-ordinate a single point of control. Align vendors and consultants to delivering complex campaigns.
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